Wednesday, July 25, 2012

START with the END in mind.

No matter how far you fall.... you are always STILL welcome.

Just thankful today for beautiful weather, beautiful flowers, feet to walk, good teachings, and you! :)

I know, another sermon, but hey maybe someone will take the time to listen and get something from it, you never know!

Thoughts to ponder:

Is the way you are living sustainable? Are we living that type of life that will lead us to the end we have in mind? Is the life you are living right now LEADING you CLOSER to the cross? Is the way we live each day, what we think, how we talk, and how we act LEADING us to the end we desire? The end God desires......

Monday, July 23, 2012

Waiting takes patience :)

I have been constantly reminded in the past few weeks that our Strength will rise as we WAIT upon the Lord...

I love sitting in nature as I watch the water rush on by. A good reminder of life really. Things come and go in life, and we must take them as they come. Those things in life that come our way, whether good or bad are meant for us to grow, grow into a new person in Christ Jesus. We are not to let it just hit us and then run off rejecting the one who has put that in our path, but reach closer, come closer to Him, The one who is ultimately in charge of our lives, or the one who should be in charge of our lives.

I am thankful and grateful for all the new and exciting possibilities that continue to come my way in life and also grateful for those that have been around awhile that continue to help me grow and seek out Christ more each day.

Also wanted to share a little poem from my friend Tyler, I think he writes well, and you should tell him! lol Hope it speaks to you as it did me. :)

“Our sufficiency is from God” 2 Corinthians 3:5

When we turn away from God
Everyone suffers
In selfishness, Weakness, Unfaithfulness
Everyone suffers
Spending time on what does not satisfy
What does not physically strengthen
What does not spiritually rejuvenate
When we are in darkness
Remain quiet
When our minds are racing with questions
Remain quiet
Wasting time seeking answers
Speaking in wrong mood
Acting in foolishness
Remain quiet
Bring our first step
our millionth step
Arise and obey in the inspiration of God
With delight and humility
Our sufficiency is from God!

OH, and no link as of yet... but when it's poted you should check out Richard's sermon from yesterday! It was great :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

May God open our eyes to the persistence of HIS presence.

For those of you that may have missed Easter Sunday.... Haha and for those that didn't. Random I know, but I stumbled upon this sermon today and found it a wonderful reminder, one we need to remember daily.... Of the all loving, all forgiving, all powerful, ever lasting Jesus Christ.

It's 40 minutes but great, I say you check it out!

Also I am attaching because I love this song.

No love is higher
No love is wider
No love is deeper
No love is truer

And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Weekend Getaways

I've realized just how much weekend gataways are needed. Whether alone or with a friend, it is good to get away from it all. I have felt stressed, overwhelmed, and so busy that I take no time for myself lately... leaving me.... stressed, overwhelmed and feeling I could have a break down at any moment. I keep telling myself to say no to things, but then find myself saying "Oh I can do this one thing, it won't be so bad." In the end when I end up doing that EVERY DAY I realize I had no "me time" let alone "God time." This IS something I really really need to work on but have no idea where to begin or how to do it. I've made quite a few commitments now in my week, and am not sure how to change it, or which are important and should not be gotten rid of. They are all equally needed in their own way in my book... Either way, I'll have to figure that out, but today I wanted to take the time and blog about my thankfulness for quick getaways, relaxation, not worrying about time whatsoever, and SUN! I have, already since returning, started to feel down and "stressed" out about the weeks and months to come. As we drove across I90 into the cloud that was  looming over Seattle this evening, leaving the sun behind, I couldn't help but feel my own cloud of worry about my upcoming week and all the "busyness" it will bring. I don't really like this feeling; If only I could keep all my cares, worries, and complaints on the other side of the water. Learning how to do this, and just live life while being thankful for ALL things is my current struggle.

Here's a quick picture story of my good weekend of fun filled, do what you want, when you want activites.

Off to Eastern Washington we go, where the deserts dry and the sun is HOT!

Potholes State Park: Funny name, but a beautiful place.

                      Can't go wrong with 3 meals within 5 hours, the deals where just too good to pass!

Not only were we able to go to a free Bluegrass concert but we also were able to see the real show of the storm that just missed us.... by only a few blocks. The tail end barely hit us where we were. I LOVE storms!

Other things of the weekend that I am thankful for:

Pretty night drives over the water(picture does not really capture this moment)

The hot sun(may or may not have been this hot)

                                                 Water park(aka glorified pool)

Wildlife refuge(Super pretty...along with the biggest tatpoles I've ever seen)

And lastly.... Must.Have.Yogurt.

Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28